The world is talking about this new video. See how amazing a newborn baby really is! Who would have thought a baby could crawl to Mum's breast immediately after birth!
Watch here
It is quite incredible!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Breast crawl?
Posted by
Blue Sky
10:54 pm
No Nestle week this week!
Groups around the world declare 2-8 July International Nestlé-Free Week
Campaign aims to raise awareness of company’s aggressive marketing of baby foods
Event announcement 2 July 2007
Campaign groups around the world promoting the Nestlé boycott have declared the week 2-8 July to be International Nestlé-Free Week. Nestlé is one of the four most boycotted companies on the planet over its aggressive marketing of baby foods in breach of international standards, and campaigners are calling for those who are not already supporting to the boycott to do so at least for this week. They are also calling on people who boycott Nestlé’s principal brands to avoid all Nestlé products for this week. Coordinators aim to increase the pressure on Nestlé to accept the four-point plan put to it for saving infant lives and ultimately ending the boycott and expect other countries to mark the week in future years.
The week has been chosen as 4 July marks the 30th anniversary of the first Nestlé boycott campaign. The first boycott resulted in the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes being adopted by the World Health Assembly and a promise from Nestlé to abide by its provisions. The boycott was resumed when Nestlé failed to live up to its promises. Monitoring by the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) finds Nestlé continues to be responsible for more violations of the Code and subsequent, relevant Resolutions than any other company, singling it out for boycott action.
The second boycott has been launched by groups in 20 countries. Those promoting International Nestlé-Free Week in this, its first year, include:
Cameroon : Coordinators Cameroon Link.
Canada : Coordinators INFACT-Canada.
Italy : Coordinators RIBN.
Philippines: Coordinators ARUGAAN.
Sweden : Coordinators NAFIA.
United Kingdom : Coordinators Baby Milk Action.
Campaign activities in different countries include demonstrations in Italy, media campaigns in Cameroon and Sweden, the launch of new boycott merchandise in the UK and appeals for boycotters to call Nestlé customer service lines in Canada and the UK. See Baby Milk Action's Campaigns Coordnator's blog for regular updates. Mike Brady, Campaigns and Networking Coordinator of Baby Milk Action said:
Posted by
Blue Sky
10:47 pm