Saturday, November 17, 2007

WANTED: Mothers' Stories

November 16, 2007

Dear Friend,
The World Breastfeeding Week 2008 theme is “Mother Support: Going for the Gold.” The Writers Team is working on the calendar announcement and the Action Folder. Because the theme addresses the need for and the value of providing support to a breastfeeding woman, we would like to feature examples of real life stories from mothers who benefited from support. We need support stories from mothers who have had varying and different experiences.

If you are a breastfeeding mother, please submit your support story.

If you aren’t a breastfeeding mother, but you know a breastfeeding mother, please share this with her.

The form below needs to be filled out and emailed to Rebecca Magalhães at and copied to Paulina Smith at
Note: If you would like your stories included for publication locally, please also cc Iona

Please submit by November 30, 2007.


Mother's Name: ________________________ (only the first name will be used)

Baby/young child's Name __________________________

Baby/young child's Age:____________________________

Country: _______________________________

In 150 words or less, describe the most important and valuable support you received for breastfeeding (during pregnancy, during childbirth or during the time you were breastfeeding):


Please share and forward widely. We are looking forward to receiving many mother support stories!

Thank you.


Rebecca Magalhães

Writers Team – WBW 2008

Co-Coordinator – Mother Support Task Force, WABA

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