Thursday, January 17, 2008

Spend 30 seconds...

Please spend 30 seconds today to help the Mothers Milk Bank of New England.

There is an online competition at a site called IdeaBlob. The contest allows anyone to post a business or non-profit idea and compete for $10,000, given away each month.

Money is needed for the startup of the Mothers Milk Bank of New England.
The Milk Bank needs money for 1) processing and storage equipment, 2) a "Milk Money" fund to help families whose insurance won't cover processing fees, and 3) marketing materials to get the word out about the new bank.

So, here's our chance to make a big difference today. Here's what to do:

* Go to the
Milk Bank page on IdeaBlob, and vote for this project! You have to register first and confirm by email, which doesn't take long.
* Blog or post about this wherever you can to help bring in more votes.

Mother/baby playgroup Little Angels

Little Angels resumes tomorrow at 10am at Iona's place. This group for mothers with their babies who are not yet walking, is usually held on the first and third Fridays of each month.

Dates for early 2008 are
Jan 18th
Feb 1st and 15th
March 7th

Come along and make friends with other mothers in Tokyo, there are books for loan, magazine exchange, get your parenting questions answered, and refreshments are provided. We have it all!

Breastfeeding Workshops for early 2008

Breastfeeding workshops for 2008 will be held on

Sunday January 20th
Sunday February 17th
Sunday March 16th

I am always happy to arrange other dates for private groups of 3 or more couples. The workshop runs from 1.30 - 5.30pm. Details can be found here.

Private consultations in your home or during your hospital stay are also possible by arrangement.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy New Year to all!